Saturday, May 21, 2011

Please let them child

Hi everyone! Alok Saharia is back with some other burning issue – Please let them child. Hope you will like it and learn something. Thanks.

Children and childhood – the most beautiful and innocent creation of our Creator! Doing what we cannot do as an adult is childhood. Really, many of us carry very sweet and unforgettable memories of our childhood days. But only ‘many of us’ not ‘all of us’! Obviously some people do have a very harsh time in their childhood days. Since, diversity is the nature of our world, everyone don’t have the same facilities and luxury. Some don’t have the time to calculate their total worth while some try hard to earn a single penny.

In ancient time when there was neither such harsh competition to survive nor so many diverse technologies childhood and adolescent age was full of joy – no pressure, no tension at all. But have a look around yourself today. Life is full of tensions and these tensions don’t affect adults only but they have direct impact on our children… our future.

I accept that everyone should work hard for a successful life but why can’t we keep our children away from heavy work pressure and academic pressure from their early childhood days. Why can’t we give some liberty to our children so that they can enjoy the most beautiful phase of their life? First KG then nursery then pre-nursery and now the school for milk feeding children… Where are we going? You might see schools for the children who are still in the ovary. What can I say?

Researchers are continuously warning us that sometimes it may block the overall progress of a child as a complete human. Playing outside, hanging around tress and open grounds, chatting, enjoying, nonsense fighting, and running etc with other children don’t only necessary for physical growth of a child but all these activities help the child’s mind to grow rapidly and learn the socialism.
What we are doing with our children today is the main reason behind the standalone families because the children never understand the importance of society and socialism. From ancient times, human or other creatures also like to live in groups but now this hypothecation has been hurt badly and the framework of a society is continuously getting fad. Children spending lots of time with books and computers fail to adopt our customs of culture and finally get depressed alone.

I am not saying that we should leave our children absolutely on their own wishes. Parents’ guidance is very necessary but it should be in the form that you are not pressurizing your child but keeping them away from bad habits. Children’s heart is very clear and they believe only on what that is happening around so keep them away from bad environment and try to learn their phenomena. Nurture the children with love so that they can only do love and spread love. You see, it will make our community and finally the whole world a very nice place to live.

Okay for now. I will come back with some other prospective. Spread love and make others happy. Bye guys.

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